ABC Music - Musical Instrument Shop in Esher Pro

Rated 5.00 stars based on 1 reviews

ABC Music

About ABC Music

ABC Music is a family run company that has been the go-to destination for thousands of musicians since it opened its first shop in 1967. With 2 London based shops and an online superstore ABC guarantees its customers a warm welcome with expert advice on hand and a fantastic range of instruments, accessories and music available for sale and rental.

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    Overall Rating
    1 review
    1. 5 1
    2. 4 0
    3. 3 0
    4. 2 0
    5. 1 0
    • Service 5 stars
    • Stock 5 stars
    • Range 5 stars
    • Value 5 stars


    [email protected]

    I bought a Korg SP! grand at your Surbiton Rd Shop on 14/9/9L1. Plus stand, plus case. On your advice, I used Moore-Randall to do repairs. The internet tells me, electronic pianos do not go out of tune. Yes! they do! This'n has, so I would like you to re-tune it for a reasonable cost. On the internet from America I can purchase an electric piano tuner, but very expensive. I write karaoke songs, and need an in tune piano to recreate karaoke music. I am 81 years old, and no idea how much longer I am allowed to stay on this Chinese created virus world, and a Russian intention of using nuclear weapons to write us off. On top of this, can you supply a Tascam/CD-RW901-sl-mkii. Report

    3 years ago
    • Service stars
    • Stock stars
    • Range stars
    • Value stars

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