Hank's Guitar Shop - Musical Instrument Shop in London Pro

Rated 2.25 stars based on 1 reviews

Hank's Guitar Shop

About Hank's Guitar Shop

We are Europe's leading specialists in new, used, vintage and rare guitars, basses, amplifiers & FX. Our stores are located in the world famous 'Tin Pan Alley' Denmark Street, London. With over 3000 instruments available from stock we have the best selection in the UK. We offer a free finders service and can locate most instruments within a 48hr period.

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    Overall Rating
    1 review
    1. 5 0
    2. 4 0
    3. 3 0
    4. 2 1
    5. 1 0
    • Service 1 stars
    • Stock 4 stars
    • Range 3 stars
    • Value 1 stars


    Don't go to Hanks guitars

    I would look elsewhere if I was you.Guitar sold under false pretences, stops working because it hasn't been set-up in probably 15 years, they refuse to take it back though they said they'd take it back, had to go there 4 or 5 times and eventually they took it back at a cost, for me, of 500 pounds - 3 days in still haven't got my money back even though they have the guitar. Extremely shady business, I have not encountered this kind of trickery and blatant, obvious lying before, and I used to work in telemarketing sales years ago.Report

    3 years ago
    • Service stars
    • Stock stars
    • Range stars
    • Value stars

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