London Musical Instruments - Musical Instrument Shop in Harpenden Pro

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London Musical Instruments

About London Musical Instruments

We are a UK Brass Musical Instrument manufacturer based in Kimpton Hall Farm, Hertfordshire, England. We manufacture in the UK a range of Brass Musical Instruments Including Cornets, Flugels, Tenor-Horns, Baritones, Euphoniums, Tubas, Basses and Trombones.  There are three ranges available across the spectrum of our Brass Musical instruments, the Royal range, Regal Range and the student / intermediate Viscount Range.

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    Overall Rating
    1 review
    1. 5 1
    2. 4 0
    3. 3 0
    4. 2 0
    5. 1 0
    • Service 5 stars
    • Stock 5 stars
    • Range 5 stars
    • Value 5 stars


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    1 month ago
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