Fulton Sound Studio - Professional Recording Studio in Cubbington Leamington Spa Pro

Rated 4.00 stars based on 1 reviews

Fulton Sound Studio

About Fulton Sound Studio

Specialists in working with singer/songwriters and solo/duo solo instrumentalists who need either a straight recording or help with developing, arranging and getting a finished, polished product together.

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    Overall Rating
    1 review
    1. 5 0
    2. 4 1
    3. 3 0
    4. 2 0
    5. 1 0
    • Quality 4 stars
    • Equipment 3 stars
    • Availability 5 stars
    • Rates 4 stars


    Phil Overton

    I've enjoyed recording and mixing with Mark for many years. Examples of our work can be heard on my website at www.inhiselement.co.uk or by searching for Phil Overton on Spotify and many other music streaming platforms.Whether developing studio tracks 'from scratch' or mixing 'live' material from concert performances, I have always found his meticulous attention to detail matched only by my own desire for good quality. Mark creates an informal, friendly environment which fosters creativity and he is always willing to go 'the extra mile' to ensure a professional outcome... Report

    2 years ago
    • Quality stars
    • Equipment stars
    • Availability stars
    • Rates stars

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