Longdog Studios - Professional Recording Studio in Dunstable Pro

Rated 5.00 stars based on 1 reviews

Longdog Studios

About Longdog Studios

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    Overall Rating
    1 review
    1. 5 1
    2. 4 0
    3. 3 0
    4. 2 0
    5. 1 0
    • Quality 5 stars
    • Equipment 5 stars
    • Availability 5 stars
    • Rates 5 stars


    Longdog Studios

    Piers at Longdog is an absolute gem of a studio owner, host & sound engineer.. The rehearsal room / studio has a house drum kit in situ & room to squeeze in an electronic kit if you need. The room accommodates us 2 Drummers, 2 Bass players, 2 guitarists & one singer. It can be tight in there when we are all in, but the quality of the set up & amps allows us all to see each other and lock in. A great venue, you won’t be disappointed! Report

    6 months ago
    • Quality stars
    • Equipment stars
    • Availability stars
    • Rates stars

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